Artful Eating: The Psychology of Lasting Weight Loss
Rediscover the magic of eating for pleasure and enjoy a life of balance with the freedom to eat the foods you want without dieting.
Artful Eating, (Black and White Publishing), will take you on a journey filled with stories, life lessons, practical tools and strategies all rooted in the most up to date scientific and psychological research. Learn how to reprogram your mind to lose weight and achieve the body you desire, by changing your thoughts, behaviours and approach to pleasure.
Successful weight loss is not about what you eat, it's about why and how you eat. We are missing the most vital ingredient in the weight loss battle: the mind. It is our mind that fuels every decision we make about food and by focusing solely on the symptom, the excess weight, we have lost sight of the cause.
There is no strenuous exercise regime, no food elimination, no strict meal plan, just powerful psychological tools and strategies which will create lasting change. You will be amazed at how easy it is to achieve the body you desire and truly deserve.
A few kind words about Artful Eating:
A wonderful book!
I bought this book 6 weeks ago and the concepts within have changed my outlook on food and dieting. I have lost more weight in the 6 weeks I've been using it than I have all year! The book is also beautiful, the layout and artwork is impressive and it is printed on great quality thick paper, making it a real joy to read.
Love this book
Beautiful book and a welcome and refreshing approach to healthy diet and well being. The author is a psychologist, so you can be assured her writing are based on her training as opposed to some notional food fadist!
A really enjoyable book
This book differs in that it isn't a diet book. It focuses more on the psychological reasons why we eat and overeat and looks at ways you can eat more 'artfully'. Some of it sounds simplistic but I think (as someone who has finally let go of 20 years of yo-yo dieting) sometimes we forget to actually do the simple things. I enjoyed the exercises. They do make you think and there are some really good visualisations in here. It also utilises hypnotherapy through the authors website. There's nothing diet in here, it's all about changing eating patterns and loving your body as it is now as well as over the course of your journey. There's also a good section of recipes and enjoyable food ideas. Plus it gets an extra point for covering one of my favourite topics- decluttering!
Loved it. Great reading, recipes, lovely pics. Loaned it to a friend who also loved it. Great ideas for approach to healthy eating!
Simply Brilliant
I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was well written with tasks that made you think and help change your mindset. Also great recipes.
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