Hear what other Artful Eaters have to say…
I now feel so motivated. Something has really shifted in my mindset and I know I’ll never go back to my old ways of eating again!
Before I started Artful Eating, my eating habits were all over the place. I wasn't feeling very motivated by healthy eating and exercise and was finding myself feeling sluggish and indulging in heavier, processed based meals and snacks and eating on the go a lot.
Once I went through the lessons, it all made complete sense. I think the biggest thing for me was learning to listen to my body and to not always feel like I have to finish my plate.
I feel so motivated, something has really shifted in my mindset and I know I will not go back to my old ways of thinking and eating. I know I can always go back to the lessons, or listen to the Cognitive Hypnosis Audios, which I absolutely love, whenever I feel like it.
It has changed my perspective on food and my consumption of food for the better and I feel fantastic inside and out!
Lorna-jane, Dublin
I learnt that this is a whole new approach to eating. Amazing as it has truly changed my life.
The cognitive hypnosis audios are so amazing despite, being highly skeptical that they would actually work. I felt totally ‘different’ after the audios - I could see myself resisting processed food and feeling satisfied pushing away the plate or with small portions.
The audios taught me how to set my goals and stick to them, but mostly I learned that I could lose weight by focusing on the way I thought about eating, without much detailed day to day thinking: it was quite easy when I got going!
They reinforced that this is a whole new approach to eating. Truly amazing, as this has changed my life”
Charles, London
I’m now in love with my body again and my energy levels are fantastic!
I found myself a year ago a divorced mother of four, with a young baby and years and years worth of baggage holding me back from being the person I always thought I was going to be ‘one day’. I was 30 or 40 pounds overweight, unhappy in myself, trying fad diets, feeling like I was on a vicious roundabout that I couldn’t get off.
What I have learnt most from Artful Eating is that the dieting I was doing for years was breaking me down mentally and physically. I needed to address the reasons I had needed to diet in the first place, and only in the realization of the causes of my overeating could I continue with successful weight loss.
I’m now in love with my body again and my energy levels are fantastic! I’ve lost 30 pounds so far and it really has been an enjoyable process. This is like no other diet I’ve tried. I can eat the food I love, I just now understand how to eat and I finally feel happy and healthy.
Artful eating has changed everything for me. I am finally happy with my body and with food, my diet is not what I think of every minute and I don’t constantly feel guilty about food. I have instilled in my life lasting methods and habits for eating healthy, delicious meals that the whole family enjoy. We have all benefited from artful eating. I always enjoyed cooking, but I was definitely in a ‘food rut’.
Artful Eating has completely changed that and I love the freedom I feel now, with what I wear, eat and do!